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About Us

Feel. Like. Learning.


We strive to make people "Feel. Like. Learning."


Evolve digital education to meet the needs of the student – not satisfy the demands of the evaluator.


To teach employees how to maintain their organizations online integrity!

A little more...

Learning Management Systems are incredibly dated. Yet, they are the go-to for educators due to their abundance and ease of drag-n-drop functionality. However, the focus of these systems is on the results of the test – we believe that it should be on getting the information to the user in a way that they will retain it forever! Our Learning Retention System is an attempt at achieving that goal!

Our first product will focus on Digital Hygiene and Best In Class Security practices – all sandboxed so the user doesn't need to worry about getting it correct on their first try. Throughout the courses there are little life hacks to circumvent the need for employees to contact their IT department every time an employee loses their keys or a phone and can not login to a web service – they will be able to correct the problem themselves.